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HCOC Feeding Program

Before the HCOC feeding program was implemented,
many orphans
and vulnerable children were going to school hungry, which affected their ability to concentrate in class and learn effectively.
They were not receiving
the necessary nutrients for growth and development.
The daily nutritious feeding program has led to multiple benefits for the children:
Better health
More alert and focused in class leading to improved academic performance
Motivation to come to school where they also will be fed
Better social protection, since they will spend more of the day in school vs being isolated at home and having too much free time
More opportunity for girls to progress, since they too are included in the feeding program and can attend school

Kale's Story
Kale is a male child attending Nymashato Primary School. He lives outside of Gandazha Village under caregiver T. Rwambiwa.Kale lost his father when he was an infant. His mother then left and her whereabouts are unknown. He lives with his Gogo (Grandmother) who has a mental health condition and his Great Gogo who is bedridden.
Kale has become their primary supporter and caretaker. He often hunts for birds with a sling shot he made and sets traps for field mice. He is considered a child-headed household with HCOC and receives food, clothing & fees in order to attend school. Kale says that without HCOC, his family would likely starve.

HCOC Cooks -
preparing hot, daily
meals for children
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